Online Marketing Experts at have perfected their art over the 29 years they have been in the music marketing business. To ORGANICALLY improve song stats (streaming, followers, saves, monthly listeners) on Spotify they focus on increasing Playlist Placements using very active playlists. Their service will get your track on REAL playlists with REAL listeners and provide longevity (keeps your numbers growing instead of a spike then a drop). Here’s a few of their results:
Their Campaigns Deliver Increases as High as:
Web ‘n Retail has been providing music marketing services for over 29 years, and is backed by integrity and hard work. We have developed what we believe is the most comprehensive playlist pitching campaign available at
When you’re shopping for a Spotify Promotion – if the company bases their prices on THE NUMBER OF STREAMS – Run, run, run! There are no crystal balls that can predict a specific number of streams, so if a company is promising this, they MUST BE controlling the numbers themselves by manipulating streams, which goes against Spotify’s Terms and Conditions and presents the risk of Spotify shutting down your artist account altogether. Which is VERY, VERY BAD!